Ministry BootCamp Video - Session 1
Session 1 Homework
Each session will be completed in 2 weeks
All homework is due Friday at 5pm at the end of the 2 week mark.
Email notes that you take over session video.
Email on specifically how you are hoping to grow through Ministry Bootcamp.
Have two meetings this week. Email who you met with and key takeaways.
Connect with guests at Next Steps. Create a hospitable environment as you connect with our guests during both the 9am + 11am Next Steps Session. Once the session begins you can join us back in the Worship Experience or head home.
Email how you use your Ministry Gifts weekly.
Prepare and email a huddle. Provide your team with all the information that they need as they serve.
Complete Spiritual Gifts Test. Email results. http://buildingchurch.net/g2s-i.htm
Complete Five Fold Ministry Test. Email results. https://www.fivefoldministry.com/
Read The Triumphant Church Chapters 1 + 2. Email thoughts and any questions.
Send your homework to pastor@authentic.church
Ministry BootCamp Video - Session 2
Session 2 Homework
Each session will be completed in 2 weeks
All homework is due Friday at 5pm at the end of the 2 week mark.
Email notes that you take over session video.
Have two meetings this week. Email who you met with and key takeaways.
Have three evangelism shares this week. Email over a brief description of what happened.
Email Pastor for Spiritual Growth Opportunity.
Email how you use your Ministry Gifts this week.
Email on where you are getting filled. What needs to stop going in? (At least as much.)
Read "How Successful People Think". Email thoughts and any questions.
Read "Why Revival Tarries?". Email thoughts and any questions.
Read "Smith Wigglesworth Apostle of Faith". Email thoughts and any questions.
Read "The Blessed Life". Email thoughts and any questions.
Send your homework to pastor@authentic.church
Ministry BootCamp Video - Session 3
Session 3 Homework
Each session will be completed in 2 weeks
All homework is due Friday at 5pm at the end of the 2 week mark.
Email notes that you take over session video.
Have two evangelism shares this week. Email over a brief description of what happened.
Email Pastor for Spiritual Growth Opportunity.
Email how you use your Ministry Gifts this week.
Complete "Speaking in Tongues Challenge". Go outside, pick a starting and a stopping point. For 30 minutes walk back and forth between each point while practicing speaking in tongues. Email over a brief description of what happened.
My Ministry Log. Log every interaction you had for a day. Please email how spiritually significant it was or was not.
Read "Fresh Wind. Fresh Fire.". Email thoughts and any questions.
Read “Intercessor”. Email thoughts and any questions.
Send your homework to pastor@authentic.church
Ministry BootCamp Video - Session 4
Session 4 Homework
Each session will be completed in 2 weeks
All homework is due Friday at 5pm at the end of the 2 week mark.
Email notes that you take over session video.
Have three evangelism shares this week. Email over a brief description of what happened.
Have six meetings total. Email who you met with and key takeaways.
Email Pastor for Spiritual Growth Opportunity.
Email how you use your Ministry Gifts this week.
Email a list of five potential disciple candidates who attend Authentic.
Pick a day and log every interaction you had. Email specifically how spiritually significant or insignificant each interaction was.
Complete "Spiritual Gifts Exercise". Go out and use your spiritual gift for at least 1 hour. For example this could be praying for healing. Email over a brief description of what happened.
Listen to "The Dysfunctions of a Team". Email thoughts and any questions.
Read "The Triumphant Church" Chapters 5 + 6. Email thoughts and any questions.
Send your homework to pastor@authentic.church
Ministry BootCamp Video - Session 5
Session 5 Homework
Each session will be completed in 2 weeks
All homework is due Friday at 5pm at the end of the 2 week mark.
Email notes that you take over session video.
Email how you use your Ministry Gifts this week.
Have six meetings total. Email who you met with and key takeaways.
Complete "Picture Powerful Prayer Challenge". During this first week, take a picture of who you pray with. Email over a brief description of what happened.
Read "The Triumphant Church" Chapters 7 + 8. Email thoughts and any questions.
Send your homework to pastor@authentic.church
Ministry BootCamp Video - Session 6
Session 6 Homework
Each session will be completed in 2 weeks
All homework is due Friday at 5pm at the end of the 2 week mark.
Email notes that you take over session video.
Have two meetings this week. Email who you met with and key takeaways.
Email how you use your Ministry Gifts this week.
Email Salvation shares, testimonies that take place and discipleship meetings that take place.
Email how your assigned ministry area is going. What is going well in your ministry area and what's not?
Email on how you have grown. How are you still hoping to grow?
Send your homework to pastor@authentic.church