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Ministry BootCamp Video - Session 1

Session 1 Homework

Each session will be completed in 2 weeks 

All homework is due Friday at 5pm at the end of the 2 week mark.

  • Email notes that you take over session video.

  • Email on specifically how you are hoping to grow through Ministry Bootcamp.

  • Have two meetings this week. Email who you met with and key takeaways.

  • Connect with guests at Next Steps. Create a hospitable environment as you connect with our guests during both the 9am + 11am Next Steps Session. Once the session begins you can join us back in the Worship Experience or head home.

  • Email how you use your Ministry Gifts weekly.

  • Prepare and email a huddle. Provide your team with all the information that they need as they serve.

  • Complete Spiritual Gifts Test. Email results.

  • Complete Five Fold Ministry Test. Email results.

  • Read The Triumphant Church Chapters 1 + 2. Email thoughts and any questions.

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Ministry BootCamp Video - Session 2

Session 2 Homework

Each session will be completed in 2 weeks 

All homework is due Friday at 5pm at the end of the 2 week mark.

  • Email notes that you take over session video.

  • Have two meetings this week. Email who you met with and key takeaways.

  • Have three evangelism shares this week. Email over a brief description of what happened.

  • Email Pastor for Spiritual Growth Opportunity.

  • Email how you use your Ministry Gifts this week.

  • Email on where you are getting filled. What needs to stop going in? (At least as much.)

  •  Read "How Successful People Think".  Email thoughts and any questions.

  • Read "Why Revival Tarries?". Email thoughts and any questions. 

  • Read "Smith Wigglesworth Apostle of Faith". Email thoughts and any questions.

  • Read "The Blessed Life". Email thoughts and any questions.

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Ministry BootCamp Video - Session 3

Session 3 Homework

Each session will be completed in 2 weeks 

All homework is due Friday at 5pm at the end of the 2 week mark.

  • Email notes that you take over session video.

  • Have two evangelism shares this week. Email over a brief description of what happened.

  • Email Pastor for Spiritual Growth Opportunity.

  • Email how you use your Ministry Gifts this week.

  • Complete "Speaking in Tongues Challenge". Go outside, pick a starting and a stopping point. For 30 minutes walk back and forth between each point while practicing speaking in tongues. Email over a brief description of what happened.

  • My Ministry Log. Log every interaction you had for a day. Please email how spiritually significant it was or was not.

  • Read "Fresh Wind. Fresh Fire.". Email thoughts and any questions.

  • Read “Intercessor”. Email thoughts and any questions.

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Ministry BootCamp Video - Session 4

Session 4 Homework

Each session will be completed in 2 weeks 

All homework is due Friday at 5pm at the end of the 2 week mark.

  • Email notes that you take over session video.

  • Have three evangelism shares this week. Email over a brief description of what happened.

  • Have six meetings total. Email who you met with and key takeaways.

  • Email Pastor for Spiritual Growth Opportunity.

  • Email how you use your Ministry Gifts this week.

  • Email a list of five potential disciple candidates who attend Authentic.

  • Pick a day and log every interaction you had. Email specifically how spiritually significant or insignificant each interaction was.

  • Complete "Spiritual Gifts Exercise". Go out and use your spiritual gift for at least 1 hour. For example this could be praying for healing. Email over a brief description of what happened.

  • Listen to "The Dysfunctions of a Team". Email thoughts and any questions.

  • Read "The Triumphant Church" Chapters 5 + 6. Email thoughts and any questions.

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Ministry BootCamp Video - Session 5

Session 5 Homework

Each session will be completed in 2 weeks 

All homework is due Friday at 5pm at the end of the 2 week mark.

  • Email notes that you take over session video.

  • Email how you use your Ministry Gifts this week.

  • Have six meetings total. Email who you met with and key takeaways.

  • Complete "Picture Powerful Prayer Challenge".  During this first week, take a picture of who you pray with. Email over a brief description of what happened.

  • Read "The Triumphant Church" Chapters 7 + 8. Email thoughts and any questions.

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Ministry BootCamp Video - Session 6

Session 6 Homework

Each session will be completed in 2 weeks 

All homework is due Friday at 5pm at the end of the 2 week mark.

  • Email notes that you take over session video.

  • Have two meetings this week. Email who you met with and key takeaways.

  • Email how you use your Ministry Gifts this week.

  • Email Salvation shares, testimonies that take place and discipleship meetings that take place.

  • Email how your assigned ministry area is going. What is going well in your ministry area and what's not?

  • Email on how you have grown. How are you still hoping to grow?

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